Thursday, March 18, 2010

Piglets Galore! Part 2 Abbie was not in the shelter with the others so I knew what that meant. I started walking further into the woods with the flashlight to look for her. Our woods goes into a steep slope and has lots of fallen trees, all shapes and sizes. I find her towards the bottom, milling around between two very large fallen trees that are about four feet apart. She's just standing there with a dazed look. I actually thought she looked extra pretty. I walked back up the hill, back to the house and told Scott what I found.

"I know it's dark, but we have to try to move her."

So that is exactly what we did. We tried to move her to her own small paddock. Scott started the tractor and hooked up the farrowing hut and I got some feed and a sorting panel. Off we went down below. We thought best for the hut to be at the bottom, close to where Abbie was located. Scott could cut the line and we wouldn't have to move her that far. I guess she was disturbed by the commotion because I found her back up the hill. Now it would be a pain because we didn't want the other hogs to wake up. Which of course they did...a bunch of Nosy Neds. We were able to lead Abbie back down the hill but it soon became impossible to try and coax her through the area where Scott cut the wire. We could actually make the situation worse if the Nosy Neds got out. We tried again. It's difficult to maneuver your way through trees and thorn bushes with just the tractor lights. At some point I banged my forehead against a big tree limb.

Knowing it was going to start raining the next day and through the weekend, we really tried to get Abbie to her hut. But it wasn't going to happen. Scott had the idea of putting a big piece of plywood over the fallen trees. Maybe she would know enough to farrow under it. That was all we could do.

That's one of the hard realities of farming. You can do your very best and things may or may not turn out the way you had hoped for.

I knew that Friday was going to be a very hard day for me. Scott had to go into Northern Virginia for work and was going to be gone all day. To be honest, I have had a few times where I would wake up and dread the day. Dread what I am greeted with and dread that I will not feasibly be able to handle certain situations. Luckily, those days are very few. But Friday was a day that I was going to dread......

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