Wednesday, February 10, 2010

....But Not The Wind!

Jonah with Hoover the Lab and Gil the Boxer
At 13 years old, Hoover still loves the snow!
Frances...My Bottle Fed Baby
It's the wind I can do without. This latest storm is supposed to be 7-14 inches. It's hard to tell how deep it is out there this morning. The winds already are starting to pick up(at 7:00am). This wasn't supposed to happen until noon. Feeding time is going to be cold! But just's almost March which means almost spring!

We spent yesterday filling just about every bucket we own with water. With the high winds, there could be a good chance we lose electricity again. This time I made sure I washed and dried MY clothes. I took the Indian chicken out of the crockpot and made a soup out of it. I also made a pasta salad and Kielbasa with browned cabbage. We'll be prepared with food.

Scott bought a much needed chainsaw and went into the woods to cut up some downed trees or limbs so Jonah could split them. I feel like everything we have done this winter is prepping for weather or fixing the aftermath. I pushed back our chick order another two weeks. I don't see us getting the brooder room ready by next week.

I did decide to deworm all of the hogs yesterday. We wanted to make a chute system for the smaller pigs so it would be easier to snare and inject them.....wanted to a month ago that is. Snow hasn't helped with that! I normally give an injection of Dectomax. Works great for all internal and external parasites. There is a dewormer that I can mix with feed, but with the chickens getting over to the pigs, I can't use it. However, since the chickens haven't been able to dig through the snow to get to the pigs, I found it to be the perfect opportunity to use this method. It's easier to inject the larger hogs. While they are eating I pet them and inject in the neck area. All hogs are done except Ramona's piglets. We'll do them when they are weaned. Which should have been two weeks ago! Lucky for them, the snow is letting them stay with their mom.

All of the nice walking trails we made are now covered with drifts and we are now discovering new leaks in the house. I can't imagine what thawing out is going to be like!

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