Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Winter The Way It Should Be

Like I said before...I do like winter. I like all seasons. Summer just happens to be my favorite. I guess what it boils down to is the appreciation for each season. The last three years we have had fairly mild winters with very little snow. Sure there has been some cold spells but nothing the way winter should be.

We just passed our five year anniversary of our moving here to Pleasant Hill Farm(January 26th). I remember that winter being cold, windy and snowy. There were curtains left on the many windows of the "Moon Porch" at the back of the house. We would watch these curtains move as the bitter wind would pound against the house. The kids also did a great deal of sledding those first two winters. We live on top of a hill which makes slope and ramp building extra fun(just be careful of the pig manure!). The last two winters we hoped for snow and really didn't get any. If it is winter... it should snow... right?


Well, thus far our 2009-10 winter is giving us what we hoped for. December gave us 20 inches. It was challenging but I have to admit I enjoyed the experience. The other night we had a decent amount. Tonight they are calling for six inches. But I am really curious about this weekend. Apparently we will witness another major snowstorm this Friday and Saturday. Someone at the feed store said they heard 40 inches! That means the rest of our week will be getting ready and prepping. Scott and Jonah will be busy splitting wood. We only have enough for tomorrow. We are almost out of oil and the oil company says they will come out sometime this week. When we wake up in the morning, it's not uncommon for our house to be 50 degrees. Believe it or not, our bodies get used to it. Our bodies also get used to the 100 degree days in the summer. Pleasant Hill does not have air-conditioning. More blogging about that come August!!

I don't know why, but for some reason I enjoy experiencing the challenge of finding heat. After all, wasn't it like this long, long ago?

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