Friday, February 19, 2010

It's Been a Week.......

The snow has been melting. Of course everyone is ready for that, but it is making things more difficult than it did when we first got all of this snow. I have been getting stuck everyday now...sometimes twice a day. Scott needs to pull me out with the tractor. I've been late picking up kids, had to orchestrate who could pick up kids because "mom is stuck in a snow bank again", and missed practices altogether.

We could once walk on top of the snow and had very nice trails. Now everything is getting soft so it has been like walking in 2-3 ft of fresh snow. I know the animals are very ready for the snow to completely melt. They need to venture out again.

Frances and Friends(My Tamworth sow and three Large Black Hogs) have been getting out of their paddock the last couple of days. We knew that would happen but we couldn't do anything about it until this weekend when all the wire will be dug out and restrung. So, Frances and Friends found the piglet group(4-6 months old) behind the shop and claimed their hut. The confused young ones were all standing outside staring at what should be their warm bed. It's funny how they all ran up to me, tattletaling on the bullies who stole their hut. There wasn't anything I could do. Scott checked on them a bit later to see if any settled. He had to put down some extra straw for the pigs that couldn't fit.

We're exhausted. It will be fantastic to use the four-wheeler again to feed and water everyone and to get caught up on projects that we were supposed to have completed by spring.

Clementine took a moment to pose for this picture. She found the only dry, grassy spot under a cedar tree. She so enjoyed the warm sun and a good massage from me!

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